Chicken Adobo is the national dish of the Philippines. It's a stew often served with rice in which really strong flavors balance out & make something amazingly awesome. The rice is perfect for soaking up the rich flavors from the stew. You need dark meat in this dish (drums & thighs, gizzards do well too if that's your jam), white meat just can't hold up. Using drumsticks makes this dish really affordable. The kids light up when we make it - your family will too.
These little meatballs are a quick, easy on the tummy meal that will very quickly make your family run to the dinner. Seriously, my kids fist-pump in celebration when they find out this is for dinner. Pair with mashed potatoes or polenta & a veggie or salad for a quick, nutritious meal that leaves the whole fam happy.
Real quick - let's talk about our ground. Most places put lesser quality scraps into their ground - we actually just grow our birds REALLY big to make it worth boning them out, & there's more white meat than dark in our mix. You wouldn't know unless we told you, but we add a few hearts into our mix, (single digit percent wise); this adds texture & a shot of Iron, B Vitamins, & Zinc to the mix.
Broth is as old as cooking ya'll. The first recording I can find of it is a fella named Gideon in the Bible making broth around 1000 BC... a time when the first alphabets were emerging & rice was first starting to be domesticated. That's old folks.
Chicken soup was first described for health by the Romans & enthusiastically promoted by the Medieval Jewish community - they knew something that modern science has confirmed - broth is healing.
You can make broth out of several of our cuts. Our chicken backs are in my opinion the best. Not only are they the most economical option, but the ratio of bone, skin, & remaining meat are perfect to make a great pot of nutritive goodness. One thing that makes our birds different is that we leave the neck on. I had to go down to Texas years ago & have some very skilled, very tiny Guatemalan ladies show me how to process a bird correctly while still leaving the neck intact. The neck has a very high collagen content, which adds hugely to the nutritive properties of your broth. We sell hundreds of lbs to a ramen shop & other restaurants weekly - so you're in good company!
Roast chicken is a classic & simple dish that's always looked forward in our family! Quick, easy, & filling with minimum fuss - perfect for all families!
When you think about the perfect roast chicken, what comes to mind? Crispy skin & white meat that's juicy, with dark meat that's cooked all the way through - am I right? Often, the simpler the dish, the more difficult it is to get right. With our birds though, we've got a nearly fool proof way to roast that bird to perfection! After the recipe- let's talk about why our birds roast up so awesome! (we'll put it below - we know you gotta get dinner going!)